Related expertise
Bart was sworn in as a lawyer in 2005 and joined Dirkzwager in the Government and Real Estate section in 2017. He specialises in environmental law with a focus on environmental law and nature conservation law. He has extensive experience in environmental plan and environmental permit procedures, but also advises and litigates on nature and water permits. In addition, clients know where to find Bart when it comes to monument law. His clients include municipalities, developers (e.g. in the renewable energy sector), utility companies and industrial companies. Bart finds it important to unburden his clients and values good personal contact. His clients describe Bart as pragmatic, without losing sight of the legal analysis.
Case law on environmental law (JM) 2023/96 (own standards wind farms)
Jurisprudence in Environmental Law (JM) 2023/115 (soil pollution, TGG)
Case law on environmental law (JM) 2022/41
Case law on environmental law (JM) 2022/42
Case law on environmental law (JM) 2021/28
Work highlights
- Advising a water board on the Water Framework Directive in the context of a dyke reinforcement project.
- Advising on nitrogen issues in the context of dredging activities in a major port.
- Advising and litigating for PAS notifiers (nitrogen).
- Advising a large Dutch municipality and a medium-sized Dutch municipality on waste water system issues.
- Advising drinking water companies on water law and nature conservation law.
- Litigating for a medium-sized Dutch municipality on PFAS in water.
- Advising various companies in the recycling and pharmaceutical industry on waste materials, ZZS, end-of-waste status, animal by-products.
- Multiple proceedings for several international project developers on the realisation of solar parks before the District Court and the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State.
- Advising and litigating for medium-sized Dutch municipalities on various wind farm projects.
- Advising and litigating for municipalities and property developers in zoning plan proceedings concerning new (residential) developments.
- Litigating on zoning plans, including in relation to environmental zoning.
- Proceedings on enforcement for violations of environmental permits.
Experience and education
- 2012 - 2013
Grotius specialisation course Spatial Planning and Environment - 1993 - 1999
Dutch law, Radboud University Nijmegen