Get in touch with Buby den Heeten

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Related expertise
Healthcare institutions, educational institutions, (semi)public authorities and larger companies are advised by Buby in the field of employment law and strategic HR policy. Buby is also regularly asked to act as a sparring partner for Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards on boardroom issues. Buby has extensive experience with the WNT and is a member of the EAUT panel advising the minister on the WNT.
Buby specialises in employment law issues in the healthcare and welfare sector, including reorganisations, outsourcing, transfer of undertaking and co-determination. The various healthcare umbrella organisations also know how to find Buby with questions on collective labour law or strikes, for example.
Buby regularly acts as a lecturer at the Dirkzwager Academy. These are often tailor-made in-house courses for managers, aimed at making better use of the client's labour.
- Public
- Collective
Recent Publications
- June 2023 Severance pay for top public sector executive must go up.
- (FD) December 2021 The (im)possibilities of collective actions in healthcare.
- (TRA) October 2021 Non-activity and the WNT: who ties the knot? (TAP)
Experience and education
- 1997 - 1998
Grotius course in Insolvency Law - 1990 - 1991
Officer training Royal Netherlands Army - 1984 - 1990
Dutch Law Nijmegen
Buby is a discreet and knowledgeable rock when the "administrative waves" are high.
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