Class actions
Class action lawsuits (also referred to as ‘mass litigation’) are a growing challenge to businesses, financial institutions and other organisations. Claims vehicles can now seek compensation for the parties whom they represent in class action proceedings thanks to the promulgation of the Class Action Mass Claims Settlement Act [Wet afwikkeling massaschade in collectieve actie] or WAMCA. Class action proceedings are also still instituted under the former Class Action (Financial Settlement) Act [Wet collectieve afwikkeling massaschade] (WCAM), and may also be conducted pursuant to an assignment or a power of attorney.

Class actions: complex settlement and dynamics
The settlement of a class actions is rather complex and involves specific procedural rules. The compensation sought in a class action lawsuit is frequently substantial, as are the related business risks. Class actions inevitably entail publicity. Multiple national and international parties may be involved in a class action lawsuit. Special dynamics may ensue as a result, especially in relation to negotiations and otherwise.

Class action roadmap
Dirkzwager has extensive expertise and experience of class action lawsuits. Our specialists are eminently capable of providing advice, and of monitoring and litigating in complex national or international matters involving class actions.
Our specialists conduct litigation in the first instance and on appeal and even in cassation at the Supreme Court. They also have a wealth of experience in the provision of advice on insurance policies and funding agreements for the purposes of class actions. This experience goes beyond mere questions of liability. Acting in collaboration with our other sectoral teams, we have successfully dealt with class action matters for financial institutions, general interest groups, and public and semi-public organisations.

Multidisciplinary knowledge and expertise in-house
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