Luuk is a lawyer in Dirkzwager's Health Law section. He is also a lawyer/chairman of a regional euthanasia review committee, member of the supervisory board of Verenso, board member of University Health Centre Heijendaal, chairman of the disputes body of De Zorgprofessional and member of the editorial board of JGGZR. Specialises in GMZ care, elderly care, mentally disabled care, youth care, primary care and privacy issues. He is also well-versed in new healthcare legislation, such as Wkkgz, Wmo 2015, Wlz, Youth Act, Wvggz and Wzd. He works for GGz institutions, elderly care institutions, institutions for the mentally handicapped, hospitals, GP out-of-hours surgeries, care groups, branch organisations and individual healthcare providers. Within these organisations, he assists boards of directors, care managers and care providers with advice and procedures.
Experience and education
- 1991
Dutch law, Maastricht University