Patients and quality
The complexity surrounding patients’ rights and privacy is growing in the healthcare sector. Stricter requirements for data exchange between healthcare institutions and patients’ complaints under quality legislation demand an in-depth knowledge of both national and European legislation. The arena within which healthcare providers operate has become more complex than ever before in the wake of legislation, such as the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act [Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg] (Wkkgz), the Care and Coercion Act [Wet zorg en dwang] (WZD) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Assistance with (disciplinary) complaints
Patients’ and disciplinary complaints against individual healthcare providers and incidents within the healthcare sector present challenges which healthcare institutions face on a daily basis under quality legislation. The appropriate resolution of these matters requires not only legal expertise but also a profound understanding of the complex dynamics at play within healthcare institutions.
Dirkzwager offers expert advice and support in the fields of:
- patients’ rights
- legislation on quality standards
- disciplinary matters
- complaints procedures
- compulsory care
- healthcare refusals and termination
- incident management

Privacy and data exchange
The exchange of data between healthcare institutions is increasingly assuming a central place in effective healthcare, thereby giving rise to strict legislation and regulations. In the case of collaboration within the sector, healthcare institutions jointly bear responsibility for patient data processing and security. Together they are required to find a balance between the need for data exchange and the protection of patient safety and privacy.

Expert advice and assistance
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Our lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax specialists work closely together to provide customized advice and sustainable solutions, from a broad perspective.
- Dedicated specialists
- Pragmatic approach
- Personal and quick contact