Purchase and rental
Real estate transactions are constantly subject to developments which have an impact on strategic decision-making. The market is influenced by legal matters such as rental indexation, the implementation of the Affordable Rent Act and the implications of Box 3 levies. In addition, government agencies, such as the Remediation Board [College Sanering] and the Housing Associations Authority [Autoriteit Woningcorporaties] (AW), play a decisive role in the regulation of real estate transactions, including structured sales processes.

Advice on purchase agreements
Legal assistance is indispensable for project developers, investors and healthcare institutions in the case of real estate transactions. Whether new building projects, existing real estate, auctions or normal purchases are involved, a carefully organised approach ensures a transparent and efficient process, resulting in a successful real estate transaction.
Legal advice is important when drafting turnkey or other purchase agreements, dealing with notarial matters, and conducting due diligence studies. In the case of every transaction, from one-on-one deals to forward purchasing and funding contracts, a tailored approach produces structured sales processes.

Advice on tenancy agreements
The introduction of new legislation, such as the Affordable Rent Act, and the tax treatment of real estate can involve considerable uncertainty for landlords. It is therefore important to be able to rely on specialist tenancy law practitioners who keep pace with the most recent developments and anticipate new case law.

All the requisite specialist expertise in-house
Do you have a question? Feel free to contact our specialists
Dirkzwager is accessible and is able to quickly translate its broad and extensive knowledge into sound and coherent advice on which you can build figuratively and, in our case, also literally"
De Waalboog is a healthcare institution specializing in complex (elderly) care and behavioral problems. Dirkzwager has sold and delivered four of its locations in Nijmegen to various buyers.

Royal Talens - relocation of paint factory
The sale of the existing inner-city paint factory in Apeldoorn to a project developer, including making agreements with the Municipality of Apeldoorn on the simultaneous purchase of a new industrial plot in Apeldoorn-North for the development and realization of a new paint factory. Legal guidance included drafting the intention and purchase agreements, advising on subsidies, Didam perils, state aid, soil contamination, nitrogen deposition area, internal balancing, power supply, anterior agreement, environmental permit and the permit under the Nature Protection Act.

GGZ Oost Brabant - Sale of Coudewater estate
Assisting GGZ Oost Brabant with the tender and sale of the Coudewater estate to a project developer whereby the former GGZ estate is being transformed into a pleasant residential area with 400 homes. Challenges included an adaptation of the zoning plan, a continued use by the seller, several buildings with monumental status and a demolition obligation in combination with the new construction.

Direct contact with one of our specialists?
Our lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax specialists work closely together to provide customized advice and sustainable solutions, from a broad perspective.
- Dedicated specialists
- Pragmatic approach
- Personal and quick contact